Calculate the player's level based on their experience
Determine if the player is overburdened
Calculate the player's weight carried
Export the game data object
Create images of various game objects
Call game.client.image to manually use any prompt
ability?: AbilityOptional
character?: CharacterOptional
cover?: booleanOptional
item?: InventoryItemOptional
player?: booleanOptional
scene?: booleanOptional
imageOptions: { Optional
ability?: GameClientImageOptionsOptional
character?: GameClientImageOptionsOptional
cover?: GameClientImageOptionsOptional
item?: GameClientImageOptionsOptional
player?: GameClientImageOptionsOptional
scene?: GameClientImageOptionsStop listening for game events
...args: any[]Listen for game events
...args: any[]
The main class of the library. This is the class that you will use to create a game.